Dept of Finance and BFSI (MSRIM) delivered a talk in Yuva Shakti Utsava organised by Unnathi Healing Foundation

Dept of Finance and BFSI (MSRIM) delivered a talk in Yuva Shakti Utsava organised by Unnathi Healing Foundation , a Non-Government Organization based in Bangalore. The faculty team addressed the young minds on the theme "Transformation in the Economy". The 5 days session was held live on  facebook with the objective to enhance the  #knowledge, #developpositiveattitude and to #enrichtheirskills for 21st century. On day one Dr. #AnuradhaTN addressed on #Evolutionary Changes in Global Economic System, day two witnessed

Day 2 Dr. #TriveniP highlighting  on Gig Economy

Day three  #Dr.KumudaPR delivered  on Cloud Computing,

Day four Prof. #JeevithaR shared her thoughts and views on the topic Venture Capital Assistance to Early Start- Ups and Small Businesses

Day five Prof.#JayashreeKowtal addressed on Emotions in Stock Market,