Guest Lecture on Retention Strategies from Ms. Rashmi Prabhu on 20-10-2023

Department of Orangination Behaviour & Human Resource prestents Guest Lecture on "Retention Strategies" from Ms. Rashmi Prabhu, General Manager and Global HR Head, Cloud and Infrastructure Serives, Wipro.


Date- 20th October 2023 (10:15 am-11:15 am IST)

Venue-MDP Hall, RIM

Organized by Department of OB & HR

Faculty Coordinator-Dr V Padmaja

A guest lecture was organized by the Dept of OB-HR for the course Talent Management for the HR specialization students of Sem III, Batch 22-24.  The resource person was Ms Rashmi Prabha (General Manager and Global HR Head, Cloud and Infrastructure Services, Wipro).  The session started with Ms. Rashmi Prabha sharing her experiences with the students about various perspectives and dimensions of the HR function applicable at workplace today. She highlighted the challenges faced by organizations in retention including generational diversity, risk of burnout, skill gap due to fast growing industry trends and remote workspace. She then discussed about various employee engagement strategies for talent retention such as physical, mental, social wellbeing of their employees, better career opportunities, personalized experiences to ensure that organizations retain their ‘valuable assets’- the employees.

During the question=-answer session, Ms.Rashmi  gave some detailed insights about how automation has changed the functioning of the HR Dept. and how efforts are made to retain talented employees during exit interviews which can result into reversal of resignations

The session ended with discussions on current career opportunities and jobs for HR aspirants and overall, the students had excellent take-aways from the session. Dr V. Padmaja, Professor, RIM and the Faculty Coordinator for the Guest Lecture thanked Ms Rashmi for sharing her valuable insights with the students.